symbol of consciousness

Our modern world is plagued by fear, anger, hate, division, violence, and war, threatening humanity’s existence. A misunderstanding at the core of the individual is responsible.

It is time for a symbol of truth, love, unity, and the expansion of what is unavoidably common and core to all of us, no matter your philosophy, religion, politics or creed – that is, human consciousness.

Symbolism and Meaning

To encompass this, the Consciousness Symbol is suffused with layers of meaning as described here:

Circle and Center Dot

A symbol that historically holds meaning across a wide range of traditions. The circle represents unity, wholeness and the nature of existence. The center dot represents the individual within the greater whole.

Semaphore of “4” Representing “for”

The vertically oriented combination of center shapes represent a vertical line, which resembles the semaphore signal for the number “4”. This symbolizes a focus of being “for” or “pro” positives, rather than being “anti” or “against”. A leadership grounded in love and positivity.

Eye Turned To The Side

Turning the three vertically oriented middle shapes to be horizontally oriented reveals that an eye was turned to its side, viewing humanity’s challenging condition consciously and inquisitively.

Multiple Humans Unified

The center shapes take the form of two humans intersecting at the head, symbolizing the potential to realize our interconnected nature, as well as our sameness of consciousness primary to our emotions, thoughts, actions, and worldly challenges.

Expansion of Consciousness

The arrow-like shapes expand outward from the individual (represented by the center dot) to connect with the whole and unify.
symbol of consciousness

Compass for Truthful Direction

The entire design also resembles a compass, which symbolizes the search and discovery of each individual’s core consciousness, and expanding our experience of consciousness enables us to more clearly realize and act in truth.

A Symbol of Consciousness, For Existence

As a whole, this is a symbol of consciousness. It points to the consciousness or awareness in all of us that is primary to our experience of reality.

If you are having an experience, and no matter what you are experiencing, you are conscious. Experience and consciousness are synonymous. Further, you can verify this consciousness or awareness right now and at all times by asking yourself if you are aware (or conscious) right now.

While consciousness or awareness itself may not seem significant at first glance, you will find that the more aware we become of our awareness itself, the more grounded in reality and the present moment we can become. This is why consciousness itself is a little-known common denominator (directly or indirectly) of effective approaches to human well-being in psychology, science, spirituality, and religious traditions.

If each of us can find our own unique paths to become a little more conscious and a little more grounded in the present moment, we can gradually become more equipped to act from a place of clarity, truth, and love.

In this way, this symbol is a reminder to deepen and expand our consciousness, and for the sake of our existence. This reminder is the symbol’s main function.

If This Resonates, Please Help

If this symbol connects with you in any way, I hope you will explore it more to develop as full of a connection to it as possible. It is intentionally non-religious, non-spiritual and non-political, yet it can relate in important ways to all of these categories that are often at the forefront of our human conditioning. Your assistance with embodying and spreading the message is critical as a seed to change the unstable direction of humanity.

How You Can Help

I hope and would greatly appreciate if you will consider taking one or more of the following actions that can help to spread the message of this symbol’s reminder.

  1. Share the link to this page:
  3. Join the email list and social media to more deeply understand the meaning the symbol is conveying, as well as to connect with the community around it:
  5. Reach out to partner. Experts, leaders, volunteers, and influencers in psychology, science, religion, spirituality, etc please connect via the contact form here.

About The Symbol’s Creator

Billy Walsh, Founder / 4Existence

For more than 30 years I have been on a journey of self-driven introspection, meditation, and philosophical exploration, which has led to a consistent experience of deep, unwavering peace along with a powerful blossoming of creative and productive energy.

A byproduct of this journey, filled with both extreme challenge and beauty, was a simplified understanding of what previously seemed to be a complex transformational process. I also noticed that it related very clearly to a little-known common denominator of the most effective psychological, spiritual, and scientific approaches to human well-being.

As an intimately connected aspect of this journey, my life and career has been filled with many creative projects in art, writing, and entrepreneurship.

4Existence is my way of combining these experiences and skills to reach as many people as possible with a simple message about how to simplify their chosen paths of self-transformation, whether or not that path is psychological, spiritual, scientific, or some combination thereof.